Our journey so far.

The map below shows the places we've been and our accessibility rating for each one.
All reviews are specific to my condition, Charcot Marie Tooth type 1a, and reflect the level of difficulty and experience I had accessing each place.  I am able to walk but have much difficultly with maintaining my balance, stairs, uneven ground and slopes as well as weakness and lack of dexterity in my hands. People with other conditions will have dfferent experiences to me and would possible rate them differently for accessibility.  
As we are updating ths site as we travel there may be some lag between entering a site into the map and it's subsequent review. 

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Please Give Generously
All proceeds of the Wobbly Boots Big Lap go directly MDT and allow them to make a real difference in the lives of Tasmanian families struggling with the effects of Muscular Dystrophy and similar allied conditions.
Please be patient if you contact us - there will be times when we have no reception and we will usually be checking emails and messages at night as our days will be full.
Thankyou for your Interest and support :)  - Warren and Kathy 
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